Sunday, August 5, 2007


The candidates were asked what they would restore to the White House if elected in 2008. The question was asked left to right.

Rep. Tancredo said, "Hope." Adding supporting the "ideas of Western Civilization" and saying that "We can no longer afford political correctness."

Gov. Thompson would open the White House, saying "East Wing" instead of West to the best minds to move forward. He joined the Thompson train too, railing against rampant politcal correctness.

Sen. Brownback wanted to restore the family. And hoped to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Sen. McCain used the time to say that he was the most qualifed for the office with 50 years experience in military and government. He also said he was strongest in fighting Islamist terrorism.

Mayor Giulani too said he would bring hope. He said that since he had executive experience he was well prepared, directly pointing out Senator McCain as well as the top three Democratic contenders.

Gov. Romney kept with his campaign theme of "STRONG." Calling for "Strong military, strong economy, and strong American families."

Gov. Huckabee said that he would never forget to the people who are the real boss, regular Americans. He said that he can connect with mainstreet Americans perhaps better than any GOP candidate.

Rep. Paul called for a return to open government. Promising he wouldn't use executive privilege to keep information from Congress.

Rep. Hunter called for a sense "Economic Patriotism" to strenghten the country.

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