Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bumper Cars

After reading the poll results the first question was posed if Senator Obama was experienced enough to be president.

Senator Clinton said, "I'm running on my own qualifications and experiences" and "It's up to the voters." Clinton also used her time to once again bring up her disagreement with Obama on the issue of meeting with enemies of "rouge nations."

Senator Dodd picked on Obama's comment about strikes in Pakistan targeting terrorist targets if there is actionable intelligence, even without the blessing of Pakistan. Dodd said it was irresponsible to engage in that kind of language and said that he would be ready to lead from day one.

Biden called Obama "a wonderful guy" and used his time to criticized there being no Pakistan policy, but a Musharraf policy. Biden also pulled out the line on no time for on the job training.

Richardson had a crafty response, saying that he is the candidate of "change and experience."

The pressure of the first few minutes was on Senator Obama and his capabilities, before he got his chance to respond with one of the best recieved lines of the day, "Well, you know, to prepare for this debate I rode the bumper cars at the State Fair." Obama used the moment not only to look like a frontrunner, by having so much attention given to him, but also did not back down on his positions.
"I think strong conutries and strong presidents meet with their adversaries."
"We shouldn't have strategic ambiguity with the American people."

Senator Edwards said that is was shocking that the people who have been in Washington so long were attacking Obama.

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