Sunday, August 5, 2007

Issue: Iraq

Congressman Ron Paul said of the Iraq war that it was time to "Just come home." He claimed that the war was illegal wasn't declared. He also said that "We're losing this one." Paul's answer was followed with cheers and boos from the crowd.

Congressman Hunter pointed to the Democrats as being in a "race to see who can stampede for the exit the quickest."

Governor Huckabee believes the war can still be won with and won with honor. He said that the Middle Eastern states must take a larger role in security and the U.S. needs to end its dependence on foreign oil without hestitating, "let's get it done, let's get it done now."

Senator Brownback called for a "political surge" to solve the nation's problems and promoted a 3-State solution in which three states would have local control and participate in a federal system.

Asked wether a failure to meet September benchmarks by the Iraqi government would still mean support for the surge, Senator McCain gave a strong "Of course," and said "We are winning, we must win."

Mayor Giuliani pointed out Democrats inability to call terrorism, "Islamic terrorism" and said their political correctness has gone too far.

Governor Romney agreed with Giuliani and McCain on the surge, calling their positions essentially the same. Romney went on to criticize recent statements by Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) on foreign policy. Romney has been the most agressive of the GOP candidates when it comes to criticizing the Democratic candidates.

Romney also called on Americans to show a "Surge of support."

Congressman Tancredo said that the Rules of Engagement in Iraq must be reviewed as they are "tying [soldiers] hands behind their backs" when they need to get the job done.

Governor Thompson shared his federalism plan for Iraq which includes splitting oil revenues among the Iraqi people and new states that would be formed.

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