Saturday, August 16, 2008

Catching up and coming back

I had blogged for Drake University in the run-up and covering ABC's debates on Campus last August. Somehow it has been a year since those great events passed.

I was able to see every candidate running for president and many more who considered (Some more than a dozen times). There were many amazing experiences along the way.

So what has happened to me in the meantime? I continued my candidate following up to the last days, but also became the precinct captain for Senator Barack Obama in Des Moines 45 precinct, which covers most of Drake University. One of my proudest moments was that five of the six candidate groups were led by Drake students. Obama's victory in the state was large and historic and launched him on his journey. I was fortunate enough to follow the process on to New Hampshire for a few days and continued my candidate adventures.

In April I was elected as a national delegate for Obama from the 3rd District convention. I will have more on this experience in another post.

I am glad to be back and share my stories for the next few months as a delegate and helping the Drake Democrats working on campus.

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